On Friday, May 19th, honored guests, dear friends, and St. Benedict Classical Academy (SBCA) faculty gathered at 89 Union Street, affectionately referred to as “the farm,” where we broke ground on building our permanent home. SBCA was founded over a decade ago by families who desired an authentic Catholic education. Starting with just twenty-five students and four faculty, we have grown tenfold – now serving 250 students and 40 faculty. We have outgrown our small schoolhouse at 2 Pleasant Street and currently rent four additional properties, and the time has come for us to finally begin our journey to our permanent home on Union Street.
The most critical work that lies before us is raising our final eight million dollars (of our $25 million campaign) to build our new campus without taking on third-party debt. Completing these initial phases of building will afford us a main school building steeped in beauty and significance, containing sixteen classrooms, an auditorium, and a temporary chapel. It is our hope that with additional philanthropy beyond this goal our permanent chapel can be built soon, along with other academic buildings and athletic facilities. (Renderings of the campus and classrooms are found below.)
In giving to the All Things New Capital Campaign, you are ensuring not only that SBCA gains the physical space it needs, but that this school continues to provide quality, classical, Catholic education – in a remarkable building, on a beautiful campus – at an affordable tuition.
I write today to invite you to join us in thanking God for all that he has entrusted to our community. I also write to ask for your continued support of the work that remains before us. My primary hope is that more and more people of goodwill will incorporate the intentions of the SBCA community in their prayer life and will also give what they can financially. If you believe in the work that this incredible school is doing to transform Greater Boston and the world for the glory of God, please consider donating to the SBCA All Things New Capital Campaign today.
Thank you so much for all the support you have already given. Please know that if you or anyone in your life would like to meet to discuss helping SBCA form the next generation of scholars and saints, I am eager to partner with those committed to and inspired by our mission. Please feel free to call (508-650-1900) or email me directly (jboren@stbca.org).
In Domino,
Jay Boren

St. Benedict’s Classical Academy breaks ground on expanded facility
A large crowd of children, parents, faculty, board members and benefactors filled the outdoor tent and gathered in bunches, chatting in the high spring grass of the 13 acres of land soon to be St. Benedict Classical Academy’s new home.
CJ Williams, Boston Pilot Correspondent

Cardinal Sean’s Blog, May 26, 2023
Headmaster Jay Boren is doing a fabulous job, and their enrollment has grown consistently. We need a Catholic school in Natick, and we’re very glad that they are there.
Cardinal Sean O’Malley, Archbishop of Boston