Our Houses Of Faith Pray Together & Play Together.
Houses of Faith is a school-wide program at St. Benedict Classical Academy that serves to foster a sense of community and school spirit. The school is split up into four Houses of Faith and each child in the school is assigned to a “House. Students are assigned to one of the four Houses, with each grade level represented in every House, and siblings and extended families are kept together. Our Middle School students lead each House activity, along with support of teachers. The Houses are named after four very important saints in the Church’s history: St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Anselm, St. Scholastica, and St. Catherine of Siena. Students compete for points in their Houses throughout the year through various service projects, monthly meetings, and at the end of the year Field Day competition.
Each House has a coat of arms, a Latin motto, and house colors. The students are also allowed to come out of uniform and wear their house colors on their patron’s Feast Day. The Houses of Faith promotes unity by allowing our students an opportunity to interact with and get to know other students outside their grade level at SBCA. In addition, we believe this tradition cultivates leadership skills as well as fostering collegiality. The Houses pray together, play together, and compete against one another.
St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Anselm, St. Scholastica, and St. Catherine of Siena, pray for us!