St. Benedict Classical Academy has received recognition from the Cardinal Newman Society as a Catholic Education Honor Roll School. The Cardinal Newman Society began recognizing Catholic high schools and colleges in 2004 as a resource for those looking for authentically Catholic schools with a rigorous academic program. St. Benedict Classical Academy is among one of the very first elementary schools in the country to have received this honor. A thorough internal and external review of our program was necessary to receive this recognition and the title speaks to the character of the school’s Board of Trustees, staff, and, most importantly, of the students and families at St. Benedict Classical Academy.
The Cardinal Newman Society’s Principles of Catholic Identity in Education articulates elements the Church expects to find in all Catholic schools and which distinguish them from other schools. The principles are derived from Church documents related to education, including the documents of Vatican II, documents from the Vatican Congregation for Catholic Education, and the writings of various Popes. The five principles are:
- Inspired by Divine Mission
- Models Christian Communion
- Encounters Christ in Prayer, Scripture, and Sacraments
- Integrally Forms the Human Person
- Imparts a Christian Understanding of the World
Each principle includes a summary, which is comprehensive, yet concise, and reflects the language found in the Church documents.