
About Ivy Schmalzried

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So far Ivy Schmalzried has created 140 blog entries.

Good Friday: “Whom Are You Looking For”?


On Good Friday we will hear John’s account of the passion and death of Jesus. John includes one small detail in his account of the Passion which provides a profound understanding of Jesus’s identity and the gravity of His crucifixion. At the beginning of the Gospel reading Judas and his search party arrive at the garden across the Kidron Valley where they find Jesus. Jesus, knowing what is going to happen, asks them first “whom are you looking for?” they respond, “Jesus the Nazorean.” To which Jesus responds with the short but immensely rich phrase “I AM” (Jn 18:5). Then something [...]

Good Friday: “Whom Are You Looking For”?2024-03-26T08:41:18-04:00

Embracing Dialogue: Socratic Seminars at Saint Benedict Classical Academy


One of the most powerful modes of learning happens when a child discovers the beauty of a work of art. At Saint Benedict Classical Academy, one of the ways we aim to foster discovery happens through socratic seminars. And, while didactic (lecturing or “telling”) and small group coaching are also important ways of teaching, socratic seminars create powerful opportunities for students to discover texts through academic dialogue with their peers. This method of discovery, which can be adapted for every grade level, looks different from the traditional classroom setting of desks in a row with a teacher instructing from the front [...]

Embracing Dialogue: Socratic Seminars at Saint Benedict Classical Academy2024-03-11T15:15:03-04:00

On a Mission: Discovering God’s Plan at St. Benedict Classical Academy


I first heard about St. Benedict Classical Academy through the St. Thomas More Teaching Fellowship, a fellowship program within the Archdiocese of Boston, which seeks to bring young, on-fire Catholics to teach at the Catholic schools in the Archdiocese. What drew me first to the Fellowship was the sense of mission-driven work. I’m young - I have an adventurous spirit, and like the missionary saints, I wanted to go to the corners of the world to encounter people, walk with them, and show them the love of Christ. Particular to teaching, I had a love for the Catholic intellectual tradition and [...]

On a Mission: Discovering God’s Plan at St. Benedict Classical Academy2024-03-04T09:59:54-05:00

Contemplating the Crucifix: A Reflection on Family Prayer


Growing up with seven siblings was nothing short of an adventure, especially when I think back to our daily prayer time as a family. Each night was an ordeal to get each of us together and ready to pray. To sum up our family prayer nights I would describe them as strict and orderly. My father is from Kerala, India, and as we grew up, he would teach us the standards of prayer from his homeland. Saint Thomas, the apostle, brought the faith to this region and the tradition of prayer and sacrifice has carried on for thousands of years. When [...]

Contemplating the Crucifix: A Reflection on Family Prayer2024-02-20T20:45:17-05:00

Filled with Holy Longing: The Meaning of the Lenten Fast


As Ash Wednesday approaches, our community here at SBCA begins to rally around the three pillars of Lent: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Of these three pillars, I have found that for my students fasting often seems the hardest to understand. Prayer is relatively easy: through our Lenten prayer, we draw closer to God, confess and apologize for our sins, and ask for His mercy. Almsgiving, too, is easily understood as charity and kindness practiced towards our neighbors. But it can be hard to see the connection between giving up food and drawing closer to God.  As I reflected on this question [...]

Filled with Holy Longing: The Meaning of the Lenten Fast2024-02-12T16:58:31-05:00

Saint Agatha: A Beacon of Faith and Healing


Today, February 5th is the feast of Saint Agatha, one of the most venerated virgin martyrs in our faith, so much so that she is even one of the few mentioned in the Eucharistic prayer at mass. Saint Agatha dedicated her life to God at an early age as a consecrated virgin and she is considered a strong force and intercessor for our prayers. Even when faced with brutal torture, she stood by her faith in God and never wavered in her trust in Jesus and his plan. As she was held in captivity against her will and was tortured by [...]

Saint Agatha: A Beacon of Faith and Healing2024-02-05T09:55:54-05:00

Faith-Filled Fun: Exploring Catholic Schools Week and the Joy of Houses of Faith


This week at St. Benedict Classical Academy (and at Catholic schools across the nation) is Catholic Schools Week. It is a week when families, students, teachers, and staff take a moment to celebrate all that is beautiful about being a part of a community of Faith. The national theme for the week is Catholic Schools: United in Faith and Community, which “symbolizes the united community of Catholic schools – not a building or an institution, but people of faith serving God and others.”  One way in which SBCA fosters a sense of community and a love of our faith is through [...]

Faith-Filled Fun: Exploring Catholic Schools Week and the Joy of Houses of Faith2024-01-29T12:49:48-05:00

A Musical Journey Through Advent & Christmas: SBCA’s Concert Recap


St. Benedict Classical Academy recently hosted a heartwarming Advent-Christmas Concert in December, an event that not only showcased the musical talents of its students but also conveyed the essence of the season through songs of joy, hope, and celebration. The concert commenced with the angelic voices of the youngest students, singing Advent songs that set the tone for a season of preparation and reflection.  In our fast-paced lives, Advent provides a sacred space to slow down and turn our attention inward. It becomes a time to ask ourselves if we are truly ready to receive our Lord or if we risk [...]

A Musical Journey Through Advent & Christmas: SBCA’s Concert Recap2024-01-22T09:30:00-05:00

‘Blessed Are Those That Mourn’: Grieving and Growing in Ordinary Time


Last week the liturgical calendar in the Catholic Church returned to Ordinary Time. It is a time when Catholics can grow and mature in their faith, after a period of great rejoicing. However, just a couple of weeks ago during the Advent and Christmas seasons, many who are grieving the loss of a loved one encountered suffering during this time of joy and festivities. Memories of those who hold a special place in our hearts and the constant reminder of not being able to be with them again in this world bring much pain and sorrow. The second Beatitude, “Blessed [...]

‘Blessed Are Those That Mourn’: Grieving and Growing in Ordinary Time2024-01-12T09:31:14-05:00

New Year, New Beginnings 


Do you make resolutions each year? This is the time of year when we usually hear that question. I didn’t usually make any until one year a friend explained it another way. He didn’t mean the usual things like eating better, exercising more, etc. Those were things for helping me stay physically healthy. He was asking what my spiritual plan was to grow closer to God and grow in virtue that year.  This past week in class, we discussed with the Kindergarten students what the definition of a resolution is. One of the children said a resolution is a promise to [...]

New Year, New Beginnings 2024-01-05T14:36:47-05:00
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